Entertainment is about escapism. Some people are in the wrong field
I think some people are in the wrong field. If they care about politics they should be a politician. Video games and movies are not for...
SolOrion Studios. We do not tolerate lies and hate.
We will take action We are considered a minority. We are treated discriminated and disrespectfully for standing up for ourselves. We will...
Disability. Deaf. My speech my sound loud stupid
Hi, In public I am sorry if I come off loud or aggressive when I talk. I am deaf. I can’t hear in loud envinment. To be clear I have to...
SolOrion Studios Upcoming events.
Our latest public and event We will be at Tropic Con Contest. They better take it kite seriously there than at these smaller ones. Anime...
We have Freedom. Never surrender.
Hi, You can like and dislike me and our studio. I can do the same thing towards you. If you threaten, bully and harras me I will defend...
SolOrion Games We need funding and support.
Hi, We need funding and support. If you are am investing, funds laying around and bored and want new ideas? We ate it. We have unique...
Why do they say everything is harassment these days?
Maybe they should not say go out there, make contact and stand up for yourself. That what I been told my whole life. Now, I do not want...
SolOrion Studios New studio. SolOrion Brand are looking for talent agents and publishers
Hi, SolOrion Studios is looking for publisher and talent agent. We have a few IPs, stories and projects ready to go. We can make money....
We will protect ourselves from Hate.
Hi, Me and my studio will not tolerate hate. We had been threatened by far radical weirdo types for defending our country, morals and...
The Censorship Toxic War is real
We been at war with internet censors and gatekeepers the last couple years. We also have a right to exist, voice our views and...
SolOrion Game so far. Updates
Hi, We are thinking of having our series go multi platform. We know the type of gameplay that we want. We do not have coders and...
Using new technology available
We are looking for support, investors and buyers. We have art, music, books and other things out now. We been using the new technology to...
We are more mature story.
Hi, We are a more mature story here at SolOrion Studios. It the usually 15+ rating and we have adult themes, plots, and that in the...
Landing on the Moon
Landing on the moon was a mission statement by John F Kennedy on September 12, 1962. Kennedy inspired the moon mission because he wanted...
New upcoming projects.
Hi, We are having new projects made. We can’t wait to get our video game started. We are going to innovate something. We want to get an...
We are focusing on our stories and projects.
It is actually great not to be on social media. To be free of social media weirdo policies, rules and drama You can follow us on our...
Moved to main website.
All content will be moved to main website. We are no longer using social media and deviant art. They should who they side with. We no...
Deviant Art account banned. Deviant Art removes anyone they dislike.
My accounts just got suspended on deviant art. I lost 2000 followers. I did not target anyone. It is a bad website. Some trolls can...
SolOrion Card Game and Rules
SolOrion The Card Game Online and Offline Gameplay and modes. We are thinking about allowing people to play digital like that. We are...
SolOrion Online Rules and Game Guide
SolOrion Game Guide SenaArchives By Brandon Pichichero SOLORION Copyright © 2022 by Brandon Pichichero All rights reserved. No part of...